The wait begins cycle #4 2nd attempt

Cass❤️ • Mom of 1 👦 & TTC for #2 🌈

Currently playing the waiting game for this month. We had a MC on labor day (Sept), and got my period immediately after same month.

I am a little concerned that we didn't BD enough this go around during the time. But we got 3 days in during the fertile period.

I've been cramping for a few days now, but that's it. (3 days of cramps) I'm hopeful we can stick and have our rainbow baby join our family.

I'm trying to stay stress free and increase water to stay hydrated. But life is chaos with kiddo #1, who is autistic.

Baby dust and prayers please ❤️ another week and a half of waiting. I'll be 33 in March.

Thinking my cramps are just PMS... 🤷