Worst pain I’ve ever felt


Back up to Thursday where I had a fainting episode and landed on my stomach. Was in and out of being alert for about 40 minutes then besides some back pain I was fine.,yesterday I noticed that when I wiped there was some blood and a small clot and blood in the toilet. Just that once and nothing since. I go to bed and everything is seemingly fine. Wake up this morning due to excruciating pain I’m talking almost worst than contractions in my lower abdomen. It literally feels like someone has shoved a machete into my stomach and is dragging it along, I wake up screaming grabbing the bed rails and in tears. Thank god my husband hasn’t left for work yet and we live less than five minutes from the hospital. They did an ultrasound of my cervix and miss Emma. Both of which are fine and are unsure what has caused this awful pain. I’m now terrified that it will come back but hoping it will not. I did have a previous c section in 2011 but after looking at my scar said it was fine. Was told that most likely when I fell I pulled on the scar and it just took a few days for the pain to catch up to me. Hoping It’s the only freak incident pain I have to deal with. 5-7 weeks left!