Slef soothing help please


So, my LO is four months and I was trying to work on self soothing, by putting him down for naps and leaving the room for two minutes then going in to give him his pacifier he spit out. And do that a couple Times.. I figured out o was putting him down to early.. I also had messed up because I've always just breastfed him to sleep, I was so new, I thought he needed to eat the whole time. Well it turned into him using me as a pacifier. Now I dislatch him and place paci in..


I've only been able to get him to take his naps by laying next to him and putting my tit in his moth.. He awakes Every forty mins into his nap and I have e to come do it all over again for 10 mins..

Then he sleeps another hour and a half.. He awakes multiple times a night.. And I find my self rocking .. Feeding... And going out of my mind. He is teething. And nothing seems to work..

I also sense a sleep regression..

He eats basically every hour and a half..

It's confusing to me, how do I help him and let him self sooth. A lovie helps him a bit..

But he ends up grabbing his pack or lovi trying to chew because his teeth hurt.. Hallp and moms who have mastered this set back? I have been giving into him because he Is in pain but I find myself not keeping routine