Long post but I need advice please!

I woke up yesterday at 5:45am with severe abdominal cramps and I was a couple days late for my period but that has not been unusual for me (my cycle has been all over the place since having my son). I went to the bathroom a few times and noticed my period had started but it was very painful and also had diarrhea. I used my heat pad to try and help with the cramps but the pain was so severe and kept coming In waves. It felt similar to labour contractions actually. I had to get my son ready for dayhome so I got up but kept having to bend over and wait for the pain to subside. I felt super weak, dizzy and had pain in my back and down my thighs. I felt like I was going to pass out so I told my boss I couldn’t go to work. I had a hot shower and lied in bed and around 8:00am I felt completely fine with no pain or cramps anymore. My period hasn’t really begun just spotting (only wearing a light panty liner). This all happened yesterday morning.

I’m wondering if something happened other than my period starting since I’ve never experienced that before. I have no idea if I had a cyst that burst or chemical pregnancy or something? Any ideas or advice? My husband wants me to go to the doctors but I don’t want to go if it was just my period starting 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️