Ladies, just want to give you some hope.


Ladies, our bodies are weird and don't necessarily behave the way we expect them to.

So from the 18th-22nd January, I had a normal period. I had gotten a negative pregnancy test the day before it started. And it was very normal in length, consistency, colour, clots, you name it.

I didn't test for ovulation this month but still tracked via CM and all that. Of which I had fertile CM on Monday or Tuesday. Glow says I'm only 2dpo but I though ovulation happened more likely on Wednesday as I had cramping.

So I was sitting here thinking I'm in my TTW. Next thing you know, yesterday morning I start getting the most awful cramps I have ever felt in my life. I had to get my husband to rush me to the emergency rooms. Coupled with the cramps that felt that Satan himself was clawing his way out my uterus, was a quick burst of bleeding (not spotting, full on bleeding but it only lasted like 10 minutes).

The doctor and nurses ask me if I'm pregnant. I say no. They ask when was my last period, I tell them. They ask me if it was normal, I say yes. I do a HPT test there and it's negative.

The doctor pushes all over my abdomen to find out where it hurts. After which he orders blood tests.

He comes in and pushes again and leaves. Then he does it again, and leaves again.

Then he comes in. My blood tests reveal that I am indeed pregnant. Very early still, but pregnant.

My HCG level is high enough that I should have gotten a positive HTP. I got home and took my last remaining pregnancy test, and it's STILL negative.

So if you're feeling off or it seems like the timing is impossible, don't necessarily dismiss it.

I felt, and still feel NO symptoms. And I'm just out of my expected fertile week, really not when you expect to find out you're pregnant.