Clomid and Letrozole break

Britt • 👦🏼💙 May 27, 2016 ;👼🏼 12weeks Nov 2017 ; 🌈 💙🧒🏼March 8, 2020 💖👶🏻 Aug 3, 2021

Anyone that has come off clomid and taken a month off what was your cycle like that month? I’ve been doing clomid and Letrozole for 5 cycles and this month we are taking a break before moving onto injectibles and getting a hysteroscopy.

I usually ovulate on my own- my cycles are fairly regular (26-30days) off meds I ovulate anytime between CD 10-14 on meds I ovulate CD 14-16. The meds just got me multiple follicles instead of 1. I haven’t tracked this cycle at all- I have no idea when/if I ovulated. I have a rough idea when my period may be due because of glow. But wondering what others experienced were? Did clomid/Letrozole mess up your cycle coming off of it? Or would my body go right back to normal?

Trying not to stress but just want an idea of what to expect maybe