I've been straightening my hair for 4+ years. What should i do now?

So yeah, I may be a monster, but let me tell you why:

I'm 16, and since i was young i've had a REALLY huge complex with my hair. All of my friends had straight, neat hair, while my hair looked looked like some sort of cotton candy.

My hair is naturally wavy, with a little bit of frizz here and there. Think Hermionie Granger in the first movies. I think wavy hair is beautiful, but i could never pull it off no matter how hard i tried.

So i started straightening it, first only on special events, and then i was doing it 2 times a week. This has been going on for around 4 years. I know straightening it too much can damage it greatly, also i'm tired of trying being something i'm not haha.

I don't know where to start, so i would love some tips!

Mostly i would like to know how to make it less wild (i don't know the official term lmao) and softer. I would like to add that i also dye it kinda often haha, i only do the tips tho.

Thanks for reading, and if you help me i'll love you forever :')