Do I have a reason to be upset?

So I know this is going to sound dumb... but just hear me out. My boyfriend and I have an AMAZING relationship. He treats me like a queen, he is the kindest, most selfless man I’ve ever met. He puts me and our son above everyone else. But our sex life had been a little rocky lately.

Since I had my son I’ve been struggling with feeling sexy enough, I just feel like he’s less attracted to me after I gave birth, even though he swears it’s the opposite. He seems uninterested in sex lately. Which is fine. For the last 2 times that I initiated sex, he basically just wanted a blowjob/hand job and nothing else. Now, I’m all for just giving random blow jobs. That’s totally fine with me. I don’t have to get anything out of it, AS LONG as he occasionally does the same for me. He has never once just fingered me and not gotten a blow job or sex after. EVER. And not for nothing, if I’m initiating sexual things, its because obviously I want you. I don’t know any girl that just goes “oh you know what I’d really loveee to do right now??? Give my bf a blowjob and then go to sleep”. So anyways, tonight I told him I was really horny and then started giving him a blowjob. He didn’t try to finger me, nothing he just laid there, came and then shortly after gave me a kiss goodnight and fell asleep.

Like am I wrong for being upset about this? I don’t know if I’m overreacting or if it’s a reasonable reason to feel this way. It just makes me feel used you know? A couple nights ago he tried to do the same thing too. I started giving him a blowjob and then after about 10 mins he’s like “babe you make me want to cum” so I stopped. I was like you don’t want to have sex? And he’s like “oh if you want to...” im like “uuuhhh yeah dude I want to!” 😂😭 he’s like “oh okay... it’s just I’m so tired.” I’m like oh okay then.. I’ll let you get some sleep then and walked away. I told him that I don’t wanna make a big deal out of it because I don’t mind just giving him a blow job but it keeps happening and it’s not fair to me because I’ll just get really turned on and then he’s satisfied and I’m sitting there like... uuuhhh... Anyways, about 20 mins later he jumped me and we had amazing sex. Idk... opinions??

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