All I can do is cry...

Kaylee • Mama of one little girl 💞

I had to be taken off of work because I’m having complications with my pregnancy. I’m almost 25 weeks now and I’m having issues with the placenta being too close to the cervix, so when I’m at work I’m on my feet all day and it’s putting a lot of stress on my baby girl. Now I’ve been told that work has denied my leave so I either have to go back to work and put my baby girl’s life and my health at risk, or I have to quit my job. And how can I take care of a baby when I don’t have a job (granted my fiancé does but I feel bad if I have to rely on him). It’s just one thing after another I swear. I should be relaxing and not stressing my baby out but instead I have to deal with the bull from cooperate America because apparently being pregnant is a huge disadvantage to a company, and their money is more important than anyone’s health.