Our son, our choice.

It literally blows my mind how some people have to put so much of their two cents into my child’s name. We are expecting our first son in May. My husband is named after his father and is Terry Carson Jr. he goes by TC, his father went by Terry. My husbands father passed away unexpectedly in a tragic accident a few years ago and as a way to honor him our son will be Terry Carson III. So to give him his own identity we’ve decided we will be calling him Tripp, a nickname for “the third” same as Trey. So many people feel the need to criticize because they do not understand it and it irritates the living hell out of me. So many comments like “why don’t you just name him Tripp if that’s what you’re going to call him.” Or “Tripp doesn’t sound anything like Terry” UGHH! Sorry, rant over.