Chemical Pregnancy....

So me and my husband have been TTC for going on 6 months. I’ve had a miscarriage before but has been 8 years or so ago. So my OB gave me rx for Femara 2.5mg just to help give us a little boost. Took it for the first time and BAM!!! I got my first ever BFP. Which was the day before my husbands birthday so how perfect was that?! So of course his gift was the test along with a cute little onesie that told him he was going to be a dad. I was 3wks and 3days approx and AF was due the next day as well. As expected, I was late and all was good. However almost a week had went by (6 days to be exact) and I just randomly decided to take a pregnancy test just because I was bored and to be honest, got tickled to death every time I seen that positive. And to my surprise, it came back positive, but verrrrrrrrrry faint. I’m talking I thought it was negative, faint. So I panicked and made an appt with my PCP just to get confirmation while waiting to see my OB. And surprisingly I started cramping pretty bad while sitting in the office. I went to give a urine sample and noticed some light pink spotting. While freaking out, I told myself “this is normal” “this is expected” “it’s very light pink” blah blah... but I was just lying to myself. So got the results and the doc said it was positive then negative... and ordered blood work. Meanwhile cramping is worse and it is taking everything in my power to hold back my waterfall of tears. And to confirm my worst fear, my bloodwork came back negative. I can’t put into words how devastated I am.. what a cruel trick by nature. Doc said it was most likely a chemical pregnancy rather than miscarriage but who knows.. I know there is always next month but I honestly don’t know how I’ll ever get excited even if I get another BFP after this experience. So prayers to another month of BD and waiting 🙏🏻