
Lindsay • married to a wonderful man, have 2 angel babies, and pregnant with our rainbow baby boy

Ok so me and my husband had been trying for over a year to get pregnant, went through two miscarriages and a diagnoses of endometriosis. Anyway so I found out I was pregnant yeaterday called the doctor and given my history they wanted me to come have blood work done today. And my hcg came back at 35.5 and the nurse said that was fairly normal for how early on I am. I have to go back for more blood work on Wednesday and Friday to make sure my levels are doubling

The put me on progesterone supplements and baby aspirin and I'm really hoping things go good this time. A little worried cause I having a little bit of cramping right now but no bleeding and i know some cramping is normal in early pregnancy. I'm just so worried, any one have a similar situation and have a good outcome? Sorry for the long post just in need of a little reassurance and wanted to give the full story.