Have you experienced this before?


This is my first pregnancy, when I first found out I wad expecting I was told my progesterone levels were low but then was placed on progesterone pills of 200mg to take every night before bed.

Yesterday I experienced period like cramps accompanied by what was at first light pink blood to red blood, went to the ER they did a sonogram but was told it was too early to tell because i was just 6 weeks. The red blood only lasted for about 2 hours but only came out when I wiped, it wasn’t runny or anything.

Around the time I came home I was no longer bleeding and it turned into a brown color, which I think is old blood. Doctor wants me in tomorrow for blood testing to see if anything had changed, had anyone had this happen to them before and be okay? I’m scared I might have miscarried but I’m not sure. I read that the first trimester it’s likely for you to bleed at times.

TIA. ❤️