

How do you all deal with insecurities or feeling down on yourself? I trust my boyfriend and he constantly reminds me how much he loves me and how beautiful, gorgeous or anything sweet I am. He is never anywhere without me because he always asks me to go with him. Heck we even live together. I’m sure he wouldn’t cheat but sometimes I just get so insecure and I feel so disgusting because his friends can be major perverts. I know they all talk about other women and stuff, mind you they are all either married or in a relationship. My boyfriend says he never participates but still I just wish I could get them all to stop. This is just a whole bunch of problems and I really need advice on how to stop hating myself and my body. I know I don’t have an ideal body but I want to love myself and remember how it felt to be confident. Tips and tricks ladies? Thank you ❤️