MIL , INLAWS 🤦🏽‍♀️


Long Post Warning; ok so back in 2015 (July 12th) when I met my husband he was taking care a kid that was basically living with him. So his mom and whole family was close to the childs mammy which was not a problem because I knew she had been around for a long time. Well the child's mammy starts trying to get disrespectful towards me 😠 because she saw how serious my husband was getting behind me and his mom and family felt like she was doing no wrong (she can't do anything wrong in their eyes) 🤦🏽‍♀️ they secretly hated me because they wanted him to be with her and they didn't think my husband and myself (well boyfriend at the time) would get so serious so fast because of how he was 🤷🏽‍♀️ oh and his mom a long with the rest of his family plus the child's mammy tried breaking us up several times 🙄 well to speed things up my husband asked me to marry him after 8 months of knowing each other and 4 months of dating. We got married on my bday (Jan 27th) of last year just to find out 2 days later he wasn't the child's father 🤪😵😠😭 we literally thought we wasn't going to make it because of all the pain we went through but this is the part here, his family blamed me for him founding out that it wasn't his child they wasn't mad at the mammy and the fact she lied for 7 years purposely may I add because she was mad he cheated on her when they were together (when she was doing the same) they was mad at me 🤔 and still til this day, they don't really talk to me and still secretly hate me but ugh I really can't stand them either 🤣🤣🤣🤣