My 5th Journey 🥰


I was spotting On The Day Of My Period 1-20-19 soooooo I took a pregnancy test 😁

2nd Test 1-21-19 because I was in denial 🤔

I was sooooo happy 😃 I wanted to tell the world but I felt like it was too early to say anything 🤫 Then all of sudden the night of 1-23-19 I started bleeding A LOT so I went to the Hospital 🏥 to find out what was going on.

Positive urine test, Cervix completely closed, Positive blood test but my HGC levels were extremely low 😳 so they sent me to Ultrasound...

They did both ultrasounds (outer and inner) They didn’t see a sac or a yolk so they informed me I was going through a miscarriage and that I need to have my levels retested in 2 days to see if my levels are going down the way they’re supposed to be 😔

Two days later on my fiancé’s birthday Saturday 1-26-19 I went back to the hospital to be retested...

My HGC Levels doubled 🎉 but they were still on the low end 🥺... They told me to take my prenatal pills they prescribed me and to follow up with my ob/gyn asap! So I went Monday 1-28-19 still bleeding and all as a emergency walk in just to be told by the midwife 👩🏾‍⚕️ to come back 2-6-19 so my baby has time do so whatever he/she is gonna do and they should also be able to see a sac and yolk if there is one because I could have been too early to see one.

So I’m Waiting Patiently for 2-6-19. I’m nervous 😩 anxious 😦 and afraid 😱 but through everything I’m more happy than anything 😊 and I have a feeling that everything is going to be alright. I’m keeping my faith and sanity intact 😁. In the meantime I’ll be at work practicing my poses lol 😜

It’s 2-5-19 🥰 yes I’m still bleeding but I’ll let y’all know tomorrow (Wednesday 2-6-19) what happened... My appointment is at 8:45am eastern standard time.