Grieving a dramatic change in birth plan


Hey ladies. I’m 24 weeks and 2 weeks ago I was diagnosed with hypertension. I met with the high risk doctor for the first time today and am processing the change that has taken place.

I went from being done with ultrasounds and most tests, being cared for by a midwife, and planning a natural labor to...

Being cared for by a new person (OBGYN), 3 more ultrasounds, 24 hour urine collection, stress tests twice a week starting in week 34, likely induction at 37-38 weeks, and a recommended epidural to keep my blood pressure from shooting through the roof.

This isn’t what I pictured and it sucks. I feel like a baby because I’m crying and overwhelmed. I know hypertension is common and it’s going to be fine. I’m just frustrated that things are going to be so different now. And I’m going to miss so much more work with extra appointments and probably being induced.

Anyone have advice or words of comfort on how to move past it and just get excited for baby again?