2/5 - CD 24 / 6 DPO

🌜⭐| a m a n d a |⭐🌛 • 32-years-young / TTC #1 💍 6.26.07 - Until Forever 💋

I'm in a really weird headspace. For one, I'm totally burnt out from work. Secondly, I think I've been googling too much.

It just seems really weird to me that the last couple of cycles I've ovulated slightly later than normal (I know it's not that much later, and I'm thankful for that) and in the same cycles my post O temps have run ridiculously low. So in my googling, I've come across the idea of "weak ovulation" which is essentially a case of the egg not rupturing from the corpus luteum, which in turn equals lower progesterone levels, which could lead to low bbt. The egg cannot be fertilized during a weak ovulation. I already have a shortened luteal phase with late ovulation, so low progesterone could have already been a possibility. Obviously there's no way to know for sure until I can get in for testing. There's just seemingly endless possibilities for what could be going on/not going on.

I've decided I'm trying soy isoflavones for my next cycle. I did a lot of reading and went out and bought some today. It's essentially a natural alternative to clomid, it works the same way, and you take it exactly the same way. It's suggested more for women who have irregular cycle's or don't ovulate on their own, but others have used it successfully to increase estrogen and encourage earlier ovulation. I'm just going to try it for one cycle and see what happens.

I just really don't have any hope left that it's going to happen naturally. This is such a defeating process.

I've been so, so crampy this cycle. Very unusual for so early on, it started around 3-4 dpo. I'd love to know what's going on in there. Oh, and my rhr is also unusually low. By now it's usually rising again, as it does with the progesterone peaking. I've never had it go this low so early on, makes me wonder if AF will be even earlier this month. Can't tell anything by BBT
