Frustrated 😂💔

Ashley • Ashley Parker

So the guy I’ve written about previously, if you’d like to catch up the post is on my page. He said he’s gotten tired of me always being negative. But liek I said he only texted he once a week for nudes and when I say no he says oh okay I’m busy and doesn’t wanna talk. So recently he blocked me and tbh idk how to feel. I might just be suppressing my feelings but I feel liek I just don’t care. I mean I was innn loveeeeeeee with him frfr, and now it’s over, but we’ve been going through a rough patch for a while, I just feel like I should’ve been the one to fucking block him like wth. Idk bro.. I just don’t know what to do. I wanna guy who’s gone treat me right. Pmo? I like chocolate dudes or a female too. I’m 17