New Job Jitters


I wish my anxiety would chill the eff out and let me enjoy it when something good happens to me.

I recently accepted a job offer at the community college a block away from where I live. The pay and benefits *way* exceeded my expectations, I alone will be able to cover all of our budget, including gas and groceries. Which is perfect because my husband is going to be starting his schooling there this August and won’t be able to work for the duration of his 17 week program.

But I’m so flipping scared. I’m terrified that I’m not going to be able to meet their expectations of me. That I’m going to totally fail at this... I don’t even know why I feel this way, I was excited about the prospect of the job. I get to travel the state in a company car and go to college recruiting events and job fairs and just talk to students about what they want to do and study. I’ll have my own little office when I’m not traveling, and on top of that, they’re going to work around my other part-time job I do from home so I don’t have to give that up.

Does anyone have any advice on how I can calm myself down and have a positive outlook on this? I don’t start until March, so I have time to kind of get used to the idea of it and learning more about the position before I jump in.