Bad grades :(

I’m really upset at the moment. I usually get As on my math tests but I got a C and I don’t know what happened. I studied and I knew how to do all the homework and classwork but I’m a terrible test take I get so stressed. I’m afraid I won’t be able to get my grade back up to an A this semester and I already don’t have the good gpa. Can anyone please cheer me up or give me hope?

Times like this I just hate being alive I feel like I wake up, go to school, study and then earn bad grades and nothing else. I hate to be ungrateful for being able to get an education but it sucks to always feel so stupid and I feel like my teenage years have been completely bland and just me being stressed about my grades and not even going well. Everyone at my high school does so well easily, meanwhile I don’t even think i’ll be able to get into a good college. This was supposed to be my easy class, I’ve always done well in it and now I feel more terrible about myself than usual. I hate spending my life wishing for the future when things will probably never change. There’s nothing to look forward to it’s just an endless cycle. I can’t wait to graduate but I’m only a junior and it only gets worse from here