Am I overreacting?

My in-laws are fairly nice, we’ve never had any major problems.

Couple weeks ago, mother in law sends a group text in an active thread which consists of her son (my husband), me, and her husband- an excited text of how her co-worker got a ‘Janie and Jack’ outfit and how “cute” it was. She even sends couple photos of it. I had replied “cute 👍🏼”

So flash forward couple weeks and they are asking for new pics of him today. I sent a couple including the one with him wearing the new outfit. She then goes to write how that “outfit is just not for him” “the brand is ridiculously pricey and gives a strange look. He looks uncomfortable”.

Lady - 2 weeks ago you were excited about this outfit. OK, I know how outfits can look cute but when you put it on it looks completely different. But cmon this is a 2 month old. Am I overreacting?

I just get annoyed when we send photos or videos and rather than getting positivity back it usually involves some form of criticism.

We had an issue recently where we had sent a video of my husband and our baby dancing and baby was holding my husbands beard etc and his dad called commenting on how the baby doesn’t like my husbands beard etc lol anyway just venting. Thanks for the read.