We're getting our little Wizard!

Sarah • With the love of my life and mommy of 2 little girls and my boy due Aug. 💖05/12💖03/14💙08/19

We have two girls (4 *5 in March* & 6 *7 in May*) and I'm 14wks 3 days with our little boy! I'm so excited!! I was hoping this would be our boy because I plan on being done after this one but was hoping for a healthy baby either way. Everyone kept saying we'd have a girl so I started to come to terms with the thought. The ultrasound tech said that since it was so early, she couldn't tell me a for sure answer since people get mad at them when it turns out different because of having swollen parts. Then she smiled and winked and said, "what i CAN tell you though is there's a 100% chance that you're going to have a little boy." I cried and I could see how excited my SO was too. It's all we could talk about for the rest of the day!

*update* adding two more crotch shots for more clarity. It's not just the cord. (:

*update #2! March 20th! I'm 20 wks and had my ultrasound yesterday to confirm it is infact my boy! My little Erik Roy!

And here were my reveal pictures! I'm a bit of a HP lover so it had to be done. Lol

I'm excited for the babyshower because it's going to be HP themed and because I literally have nothing left for babies since I've given it all away over the last almost 5 years!!! Little August Baby love💙💙💙