Is my doctor wrong? Is this normal?

lisa • Mom of 1 girl👧, 3 boys👦🧒🧒, twin 👧🧒( born 2/4/20) and one in heaven 👼 #nosanityleft

My last period was nov 5th, i found put i was pregnant 3 weeks later.

Dec 15th- started bleeding

Dec 24th confirmed miscarriage

Dec- 28th hcg was at 3200

Doctor said weekly blood draws make sure numbers where going down...

So been doing weekly blood draws and numbers have inches going down

I been bleeding for 57 days now, and it almost stopped was so light didnt need a pad over night well two days ago it started bleeding dark red again to where need to change pad every few hours. My last blood draw last week number was 156... is it normal to bleed this long and for the bleeding to almost stop and then pick up... also i never passed large clots never had cramps.. i did pass a small quarter size clot in december but thats when my numbers where still in the 2000... my doctor never asked me if wanted a dnc more sore went with the natural way but idk this seems so long and drawn out... and now with the increased bleeding idk is this normal