unsupportive family


I am so annoyed. so we live in hawaii and before we moved here the whole family was of course saying they were coming to visit 🙄. we had been ttc for years my mil said nothing was gonna stop her from seeing her grandbaby born and that she wanted to come for 2months to help. my husbands father and step mother would make sly comments about how we need to pay for their flights if we want them to come 🙄 so anyway like a weak before baby comes his real mom says she cant come bc her youngest daughter just found out shes 5 wks pregnant and needs support................................. ok. his dad and step mom say it's too expensive so they're not coming either. yet a few yrs prior her daughter had a baby in Europe and she closed her store down and went to stay with them for 2months........ so not only did she go to europe but lost money by closing her store. so this is important bc this time her daughter is pregnant again and due the month after me so I couldnt wait to see what was going to happen. no one from my husbands family came to see us. no problem I get it, it is expensive BUT these same people... my mil naught a brand new Cadillac SUV the month after. she already had a car she just wanted an extra luxury suv. and shes planning a cruise to Jamaica. My FIL went on a cruise to the bahamas, and guess what his step mom did.... when her daughter had her 2nd baby the month after me, she closed her store again and went to stay with her for a month in Europe and even traveled throughout Europe beyond where they live, went to bahrain, Dubai, France, etc all that's while she was there. its it wrong for me to feel some type of way? I dont want shit to do with any of them. they're always trying to call or facetime asking why I dont send pictures but I dont want shit to do with them. they always treat my husband like a 2nd class citizen of the family. they expect him to always go out of his way for them but wont meet us half way. before we moved to hawaii I was graduating college and we planned a big dinner to celebrate and farewell. they didnt come bc her daughter who lives a few hours away wanted to visit them.... she could have came any time but it was our last time state side for at least 3yrs. no telling when we would see them again. I feel so much resentment am I wrong? how would you handle it? talking to them is out of the question. I dont know how to let go of this. our whole relationship has changed.