Should I Be Worried?


So I just had my 37 week check up everything is going great. I’m 1 1/2 cm dilated, my cervix is softening, I weigh around a 178-181lbs and baby’s heartbeat is 148bpm and he’s growing at a nice rate. However, my blood pressure the passed 2 visits has been around 128/87. I’ve been told about preeclampsia, but I’m not really showing any other signs of it..? I only have occasional swelling in my calves and I’m only really fatigued most of the day because I don’t sleep well at night due to getting hot and/or having to pee. My OB doesn’t seem that concerned since I haven’t had any drastic increase in weight, no sudden swelling and my blood pressure is pretty stable. My mom never had any issues with preeclampsia and I don’t think either of my sisters did. Now I’m just making myself paranoid which is probably not good for my blood pressure lol anyways, should I be worried at all?

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