Sex with lower back pain

So, I have a problem and just don’t know how to deal with it anymore..😩😩

I’ve been suffering from lower back pain for like 6 months now at age of 23.

I am married with the most amazing man in the world, but f*ck, I just can’t have sex because of my pain..I mean my pain does not go away! I am taking tones of medicine and I had an epidural injection cuz of annular tear and muscle tightness and all that stuff and it still hurting so much as nothing helped. I am just dying cuz I wanna have sex with my man, I am dreaming about it but how the hell should I do it? Can you recommend any positions that would work the best way? I cannot do anything that is related to exercises and I can’t strain the muscles of my back. Girls, please help!!😭😭😭 Honestly, I feel like shit right now :(