Did u input your miscarriage as a period on this app?

Tina • BFP 11/19/18. Miscarriage 👼1/4/19. 🤰 again 4/23/19 🌈due date 1/02/20

This app restarts and lets you put in suffering from a lost. But dont have anything to input for miscarriage. I clicked the lose thing early as the doctors told me the day before my birthday my baby was no longer viable and I will miscarry. Which happened naturally about a week later. I couldn't deal with the app telling me about my pregnancy knowing I was about to lose it. I refused to chart it as a period cause it's was not. It's a miscarriage And glow was telling me how many days I was late which wasn't right. So i was tempted to input it for that reason.

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