Newborn weight


My baby weighed 7 pounds 2 oz and 18 inches long at birth but before leaving the hospital 2 days later she went down to 6 pounds 8 oz and at 6 days old she had a check up and weighed 6 pounds 14oz and at 8 days old she weighed 6 pounds 15 and a half oz and the doctor was concerned about her weight that she hasn’t gained enough. It has me a bit worried thinking i wasn’t feeding her enough i would feed her 2 oz every 2-3 hours and sometimes 2.5 oz. i was formula feeding and pumping breast milk for her to. Could that be why she is slowly gaining her weight back? Now i have her on only formula so on Friday let’s hope she caught up. I thought it takes 14 days for babies to go back to normal weight idk I’m just worried. I feed her like I’m suppose to