
So Wednesday evening I was doing dishes and I always take my ring off. I sat it on the counter in front of the cutting board that my boyfriend was about to use to make dinner. Well, after I was done doing the dishes I went to the living room so my boyfriend could cook. About 15-20 minutes later I realized that I forgot to put my ring back on (which is pretty normal to me unless I put it by my phone). I asked my boyfriend to get it for me and he couldn’t find it. Now one of two things could have happened in this scenario: 1. My cat could have taken it and hid it ( which he’s never done before and we’ve have him for almost a year). Or 2. My boyfriend took it. Now a couple weeks ago he talked about how cool it would be to take my promise ring and exchange the amethyst with a diamond to make it my engagement ring. We’ve been dating for over three years, live together, and have two cats together. Also, my 21st birthday is the day before Valentine’s Day which could be the reason he did it now. I’ve looked through the whole house and can’t find it! He swears up and down that he didn’t take it , but he wouldn’t tell me if he didn’t because that would ruin the surprise. I don’t want to get my hopes up that he didn’t it because then I won’t be engaged and I still won’t have my ring, so at this point I don’t know what to do.

Here’s my ring and the suspected kitty

UPDATE: well my birthday and Valentine’s Day came and went. Still no ring. I’m more upset now. I just wish I could find it and frankly that my man will just propose already... haha