I smoked my whole pregnancy

I had severe HG and preeclampsia. I needed to or my girl wouldn’t of made it. It was the ONLY way I could eat. My doctor allowed it, it was that it take multiple doses of zofran a day, which is way worse for baby. My girl is now 6 months and amazing. She reaches all her milestones early and is happy and bubbly. Her doctors know I smoked , they are fine with it. It was that or not make it while I was pregnant. I’m sure I’ll get hate. Whatever.. I did what was right for me and my baby.


Can I just saw WOW THANK YOU LADIES !! I was expecting people to not understand. My daughter would of starved if I didn’t smoke cause of my HG. Thanks you for all the support.

Update 2:

I live in Alaska where it it legal