HELLP Syndrome / Preeclampsia


Background: currently on my 4th pregnancy 23 weeks tmrw.

My 1st pregnancy, I developed preeclampsia at 33 weeks, was on hospital bed rest for 1 week and then had my son via emergency c section.

2nd pregnancy, relatively normal.

3rd pregnancy I developed high blood pressure but no ketones/protein in my urine. I had to have an emergency c section at 35 weeks because my blood pressure was elevated at an ob appt.

So current situation, I’ve had high blood pressure readings on and off during this pregnancy. But the last two weeks the typical symptoms have intensified, dizzy, headaches, visual floaters, nausea and vomiting has come back but the most obvious excruciating pain in my upper right quad. At first I thought I had really really bad indigestion, but no antacids help, I can’t sleep the pain is so bad. My shoulder and neck are starting to hurt too. Oh and i can’t freaking breathe, i lose my breath really easily and feel like my chest is being compressed. I have an ob appt Tuesday so I can discuss all this with my doctor.

But I feel like I’m way too early to be potentially developing either HELLP or pre-e. Did anyone experience or get diagnosed this early in their pregnancy?