After getting sent home at 6cm, I went back the next day when even more pain, I still was at 6cm but...

Aaliyah • Mommy of 3 boys, Two of them are Twins born 2.5 months early #NICUSTRONG💙💙💙
After getting sent home at 6cm, I went back the next day when even more pain, I still was at 6cm but the Midwife decided to keep me. I labored on my own to about a 7 and then she broke my water and things started to pick up, I got the epidural around 8 1/2 cm into the game (lol). For some reason I couldn’t dilate passed a 9 1/2 and 80%effeaced... so I tried to rest when my body said so, I woke up with pressure like I had to poop and I just knew it was time, 35 mins of pushing later my baby boy was born . 7lbs 1oz at 37 weeks 5 days ❣️