It was 25hrs straight false & true labor

It was 25hrs straight false & true labor. More than an hour in deliver room around 7pushes till I met my healthy & strong baby boy.. 👶😍🤗😘💋
It was on 1st February when I decided to go to the hospital even though I was just 1cm dilated but I had contractions around 3-5mins interval for around 1minute the whole time.. I haven’t completed my Hospital bag yet coz I wasn’t expecting that I will deliver soon knowing I was just 38weeks++ pregnant.. i still did my laundry during the noon time & after shower decided to pack my things just incase & bring myself to hospital to seek for advise.. Arrived in the Emergency Room around 6pm went to labor room by 6:30pm.. The doctor checked my cervix & I was 2cm dilated after 30mins my bag of water broke, a feeling that I peed big time while sitting during interviews with the interns. So the doctor decided to admit me by that time. I was dilated every hour to make sure I will reach 10cm, it was a total pain I have felt that I couldn’t even stand. I was fully dilated around 12mn & I have been moved to Delivery Room.. After a long hours of waiting - my baby boy was born in a Normal Delivery on February 2, 2019 @ 1:16am... 👶😍🤗💋
Seeing my baby was the most exciting part of my total experience during that day. Despite of all the wait & full pain - Everything is Worth It! 💪🏼😍👶💋