My baby just couldn’t wait until his due date


I was due March 14th but on February 8th at 35 weeks and 1 day my 3rd prince decided he was ready to meet the world. I was asleep at 1am I was laying in bed and I felt a trickle I thought it was discharge at first so when I went to turn around to the other side I felt even more than the first time so I knew it was my water . I woke my husband up and told him my water broke I got up and it ALL Came down all over the floors and on me . I got to the hospital where I was only 1cm dilated they told me my body knew it wasn’t time to deliver that’s why I wasn’t dilated but because my water broke I had to deliver him so they started me on pitocin and from there on I dilated fast and before I know it it was time to push and about 4 pushes later my baby boy was born screaming his lungs out weighing 5lbs 15 oz he’s doing amazing and I couldn’t be more proud of my strong man