11 weeks pregnant??


Can I really be 11 weeks pregnant? My last period started on November 22nd, but I had a negative test like 2 and a half weeks ago. I tested yesterday Morning with fmu and my test was so positive it was pulling it from the control line.

I scheduled at appt for Thursday to be seen and have my pregnancy confirmed. But could I really be that far along and it just never showed up? Because it’s really dark. I also retested yesterday night and it was still really dark for not being as concentrated.

Obviously I won’t know for sure until I’m seen by my doctor, but do you think it could really be possible? That I’m 11 weeks pregnant and I didn’t know until yesterday? I have had some symptoms the last couple weeks but I just assumed it was my period coming around.

Has this happened to anyone else before? I wish Thursday would get here faster!! Do you think they’ll give me an US Thursday since I may be that far along? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!! 💙💙