Advice for FTM

Angelia • Yee Yee Wife Special needs mom 👶🏻💙🩷🤰🏻 HIE, CP, CHD, CVI, Gtube, and Epilepsy advocate!! Ask me about parenting a special needs kiddo!

So my husband doesn't think we need a nursery at all. I plan on having our baby in our room for the first 4-6 months but then transitioning to a crib after that. Ideally I'd like to be doing daytime naps in the crib so it's familiar and not a huge ordeal when we go to transition. We have an extra "room" in our apartment but it's more like a small office. Right now it's my husband's man cave. I've expressed wanting to turn that room into a nursery multiple times but his response is " the baby will just be in our room with us, it doesn't need a nursery". I totally understand him not wanting to give up his space, but we live in a 700sqft 1x1 with a study. There's not exactly a ton of space to put a nursery other than his man cave.. How do I explain to him in a super analytical and logical way the need for a nursery? We literally have no where else to put any baby gear we are going to accumulate, not considering the clothes the baby will obviously need. I feel like he's kind of in denial about the amount of space baby stuff takes up. And trust me I've tried to explain it lol. I just don't speak his language, being a very creative and emotional geared person.

Also if we have a boy, it's going to be starwars themed and I'm super excited about that 😂