Need uplifting stories/experiences please!

Mama of Three 🥰 ❤️❤️💙

Today I went in for my second ultrasound, according to LMP I should be 6w5d. Today i measure 6w2d (not a big deal) last Monday I measure 5w2d so good growth. I saw baby and saw the flicker of their heart. When my doctor got the fetal heart rate her excitement turned to worry. Baby's heart rate is between 78-82bpm. She said that this week is crucial and that my ultrasound on mondat next week will tell us how the pregnancy will turn out. My husband is staying optimistic but this is my 15th pregnancy, I have 2 healthy girls.

Before anyone asks, yes I get seen by an REI and I have had every possible test performed. They discovered I had endometritis which they gave me antibiotics and it went away.

We weren't trying in January as I had a biopsy on the 2nd and he left the 4th. But one little sperm stuck around to fertilize the egg.

Anyone start with a low heart rate and had success??

(I know that a good outcome is very few and far between but I'm trying to keep hope).

Thank you!

Edit: I am on progesterone and lovenox (daily injections).