Any advice on natural births?

Ky • Married to my best friend👩🏾❤️👨 Living in Europe Mommy to Marcel 🌈👶🏽

Hey ladies,

I'm currently 10w4d and I'm leaning more towards a natural birth, I have tons of time to think about it but I was wondering if you all can give me some advice or tips on how to prepare my body for a natural birth. It's my first pregnancy and I one does not know their pain level till the time comes so I'm open to getting an epidural if I absolutely can't stand it. I'm living in France now and the natural births drop significantly here than in US. So I know for sure I'll be met with judgment etc.. And it's said that inductions are pretty much the norm here and I feel like if I opt for natural it wouldn't be best to be induced. So ladies please share experiences and tips... Thank you!