What a crazy ride

Kb 🎀 • Momma x3

This will be my third baby and it’s been a little crazy, I might just lose my mind before it’s over 😂 here’s my story (so far)...

01/11 - booked a trip to Mexico

01/13 - found out we are pregnant (approx 5 weeks) - Yay! Cancel trip to Mexico

01/14 - start spotting (not really concerned, I spotted through my prior pregnancies as well)

01/20 - pass a rather large clot (haven’t had a clot before, but I felt it coming out as I was peeing) so I go to emerg, they do bloods and a portable ultrasound, dr can see sac and gets a quick flash of something in there but machine is not strong enough to zoom in more.

01/21 - return to hospital for an actual ultrasound, tech was very pleased to find baby and a heart beat as I was about a week behind what I thought, putting me at 6w 1d (ultrasound was done abdominally), I then had to go back through emerg to have a dr read my ultrasound - he said there’s a heartbeat, that’s great, don’t lift anything it may make spotting worse.

02/05 - first prenatal appt, my dr said she hadn’t received my ultrasound yet but would check on it soon.

02/07 - my dr calls in a panic telling me she looked up my ultrasound and the heart rate was very low and she wasn’t sure why the tech or dr in emerg didn’t let me know, that combined with bleeding has her very concerned and so is the OB on call that day and they want me to have another ultrasound asap and retest my beta hcg.

Can’t get in for another ultrasound until after the weekend.

02/11 - so today I go in for my ultrasound after spending the entire weekend in a haze and so upset over how this has all gone down. But baby has grown exactly what it should have in 2 weeks and the heart rate was great at 174 and everything looks great, both the tech and radiologist looked me over. But my dr still wants me to repeat my beta hcg, no problem oh except the lab was closed before I was done my ultrasound 🤦‍♀️

Someone PLEASE tell me something happy, I am literally about to lose my mind. I just absolutely cannot wait until I hit 12 weeks and feel like I can breath a little easier. I have a 3.5yo & a 1yo at home, I do not want to be making trips for extra appointments every week or two, or for them to see their mom so completely lost and down like I was all weekend. This is also one of my husbands busiest times of the year, he’s here every second he can be but it’s usually at night to sleep. So I’m trying to hold it together for everyone. This will be our last baby and I want to enjoy every moment of it, but right now I’m having a very hard time with it all. Sorry for the rant, I just really needed to get this all off my chest before my head explodes