12 week missed miscarriage

Charlotte • 3 miscarriages 1 molar pregnancy TTC #2🤞🏼🌈

I had a scan at 6 weeks where yolk sac was seen but no baby and a scan at 7 weeks where baby and heartbeat was seen but they measured it as only 6 weeks, I had these scans due to some spotting at about 4 weeks, and with 2 past miscarriages wanted to be sure that all was well.

Since we saw the baby at 7 weeks with a heartbeat they discharged us from early pregnancy and the next scan we would have would be our dating scan at 12 weeks.

I have had no bleeding or cramps and had all pregnancy symptoms strong with morning sickness every day so I had no concerns that the pregnancy had any troubles.

Finally our 12 scan came and we were so excited to finally see the baby properly but instead we saw what was left of our baby who died shortly after our 7 week scan.

My body hasn’t responded to the miscarriage and had carried on as if it’s still pregnant so now I don’t know what to do I have further scans and blood tests tomorrow and will find out whether I will need a D&C or just let nature take its course.

But as this is now my 3rd miscarriage in a row what’s is everyone else’s experiences with going forward did you manage to get pregnant and have a successful pregnancy?