Mil in the delivery room

So I had my prenatal checkup yesterday and I talked to my doctor about not wanting my in law in the delivery room, I just want my DH and I there to receive the baby, I told her she could be there while I’m laboring but I don’t want her to be there while I am getting ready to push my baby out, I tried talking to her, talking to my husband and I felt no support from him so I had to take the next step , I want my privacy. She said that she will make a note on my chart and that if my in law is in the room she will be asked by a nurse to leave if she refuses then security is going to get involved and she won’t be allowed back in the hospital.

I feel so relieved 😌 cause i was very anxious about it and the fact that DH didn’t understand my point or supported me was making it a lot worse, so I’m 34 weeks I will wait till next time I see her and I will mention everything to her just so she knows what’s coming, if she doesn’t want to be there at all it’s fine by me, at the end of the day she wasn’t there when we Made the baby, and the thing is that my mother completely understands and she wants to wait at home and cook my favorite food to bring us to hospital after her first grandchild is born. She completely understand how private this is for me and my husband, but my mil was basically demanding to be there and take videos and pictures of my baby coming out, it so annoying that’s why I don’t feel bad about taking the next step, I want to focus on giving birth and not have to worry about my privacy.