Our little man is here! Birth story + pictures


At 8 PM on February 7th, we made our way to the hospital to start the induction process. After arriving, I was hooked up to penicillin and fluids and we were able to get settled in. Once an hour, Cytotec was given orally to help soften my cervix due to little man being cozy and content inside of his mama.

Fast forward through a very sleepless night.. Around 7 AM, they started pitocin to increase my contractions and a little after 8 AM, my doctor came in to break my water. I was able to breathe through most of my pain at this point, but around 12, the pain was so unbearable and I opted to get an epidural at 6 CM and 90% thinned.

Epidural = Heaven sent, while it worked. Contractions were pretty continuous and labor was progressing rapidly. I was at 8 CM when I started to feel my whole right side. We tried everything to get the medicine to kick back in (turning over on my side, hitting the epidural bulb for more medicine, etc.). Unfortunately, it was too late for the anesthesiologist to fix it, as I was already at 10 CM and it was time to push.

Labor was rough. I could feel everything and ended up needing to be cut, 2nd degree. My doctor did everything she could to avoid it, but it was needed, as he was coming down at a very bad angle.

My husband was perfect through it all and I’m so thankful he was by my side. Our little man entered this world at 3:21 on February 8, 2019. Weighing 7 pounds 5 oz and 20 inches long.

These two boys are my entire world 💙💙💙