My February baby turned into a January baby


So I thought I would share my birth story. On 1/29/19 I went to the doctor for my normal nst. My blood pressure had been going up and down for a few weeks. My doctor had me do a 24 hour urine collection to see if there was protein in my urine and there was a small amount. My due date was 2/8/19 and I was probably going to get induced before that anyway because my baby had a single umbilical artery. So since my blood pressure was high and I had protein in my urine she had me go to the hospital that afternoon to start the induction process.

I got to the hospital around noon and got checked in and everything. The gave me cervidil around 2pm and I started having very small contractions right away. My cervix was barely open when I went in. I had the cervidil in for 12 hours and my contractions started getting stronger over night. I slept horrible. The next morning they checked me and I only dilated to a 1. They gave my cytotec orally not sure of that really did anything. Around 8:30 my water broke on it’s own. I got hooked up to pitocin that after noon. They also put some sort of catheter into my uterus to measure my contractions. Around 4 I got the epidural because my contractions were painful but the were still about 6 minutes apart. I still hadn’t progressed. They were noticing that after each contraction my babies heart rate would drop every so often. My doctor then gave me the option of either seeing if I would progress or I could go ahead and get a c section. I was tired and done I had been contacting for over 24 hours.

Getting a c section was the best decision for me. I would have probably had to have one anyway. It was so fast.

On 1/30/19 at 6:19 pm my beautiful son Leo was born.

He was born at 6lbs and 15oz. 21in

I’m so in love he will be 2 weeks tomorrow