Woke up at 4 am to go to the bathroom & after that couldn’t go back to sleep

lexi • 19 & starting college to be a RN in September Olivia Elizabeth Llewellyn 💕

Woke up at 4 am to go to the bathroom & after that couldn’t go back to sleep. At 5:10 am my water broke. I called my doctor, showered, & headed to the hospital! I got to the hospital at 6:30 but I didn’t feel any contractions so they started me on Pitocin at 10 am. At 3:30 I asked for the epidural but didn’t get it until 5:30. At 7:30 my nurse came in to check on me & since I was feeling pressure she checked to see if I was dilated. She looked at my boyfriend laughed & said to me “you don’t feel that? You’re fully dilated & I can see her head! She’s got lots of hair” I promptly freaked out & started yelling to get her out. My doctor came in got my bed set up to push at 7:40 & at exactly 8:00 pm Olivia Elizabeth Llewellyn was born. I couldn’t be happier with my little peanut!