Emotional Rollercoaster


Turning the big "30" in a few months and trying for baby number ONE. My husband and I have been trying since October, and suffered a cp in December. My sister-in-law found out she was pregnant in october on her first month of trying. I've tried to be supportive and happy for her, but every time I turn around she just keeps going on about how she doesn't understand how it's taking me so long to get pregnant and wanting me to rub her stomach, and going on about how big it is getting. I had to go to one of my friends gender reveal party a couple of weeks ago, and everyone around was constantly asking when you having kids and your not getting any younger. Like I know my clock is ticking and I don't need to be reminded. I finally had enough and said well I actually miscarried in December. I thought that would shut everyone up, but instead I got a long stream of well you can do this to help you get pregnant, and have you tried this? I guess it's just hitting me because my sister-in-law found out the gender of her baby today and I have to go to her gender reveal this Saturday. I'm happy for her, but I just don't want to have to deal with all the questions again. I have pcos and endometriosis. My periods are regular and I'm ovulating, so I know it will happen when its suppose to. It's just hard some days.