It’s this girl at my school who think she sooo tea and can’t be touched. Yeah aight. She’s had THEE NASTIEST ATTITUDE, beyond disrespectful to staff, and the rudest she can be for no reason to other students. We were watching “the hate you give” in class and yes people were talking, yes it annoyed me. Never told them to “shut the fuck up” “ima start slapping bitches”... etc. but where she really fucked up at is when she told my friend and one of the nicest girls I know (serious sweetheart) “okay it’s 2018 shut the fuck up” (we had to write down things about the movie in a log) my friend so was barely loud enough for me to hear her just sighed and turned around in her seat. She’s never been in a fight and doesn’t like conflicts, I don’t like seeing her pushed around cause I used to be that girl the girl who shut up cause the big bitch told me too and I never stood up for myself until I just exploded, I see that in her and I don’t want her to get where I was😫 it doesn’t help that the staff is messy so you can’t go to them for help without it getting back to other students