Hoping for a vbac!

I’m looking for advice/experience. My husband and I had our DD on 2/10/18 at 38 weeks via c-section my water had broke on the 9th at 10 am as soon as I walked into the hospital room and I just wasn’t dilating past a 4 within 26 hours I had her via c section at 1:48 pm on the 10th. We are pregnant again, of course I wanted to wait in hopes to have a vbac one day but God had other plans. We have baby boy due 5/9/19. My midwife has said I could try for a vbac and that she will do a ultrasound at 35 weeks to determine babies size and if he is on the larger side that she wouldn’t recommended it.. my DD was 7 lbs 10 oz at 38 weeks. I truly want a vbac I want to experience it all, and a vagina birth is the best route for me due to the fact that I will have a 15 month at home, and my husband only gets 7 payed days time off including hospital time. I would love to also have more kids in the near future that’s why I would love to have a vbac. Any one else have experience with anything similar to this and went into labor just fine and dilated fast and had their vbac??