Crush dilemma


So we’ve hung out two times. We’ve been talking for two weeks and we had sex today but he couldn’t get hard. He gets very shy around me and his hand shakes lol but today after that awkward experience I texted him and asked if he still wanted me to keep messaging him which he said if you want I then told him honest just tell me and he said “it’s not that I don’t want to talk to you it’s that I don’t want to cuff anyone” this obviously upset me because he acts like he likes me but I said I didn’t want that either to not seem like a bother. Which he then asked me why did I not want that too. But why would he ask me why I agreed if he so sure he doesn’t want a relationship. What do I do? I have strong feelings for him I just don’t want to ruin anything if it’s even going anywhere. :(