Ex lover

Cassey • Casseyyyy

So like I was dating this guy for a really long time, like 1 year and 9 months and I was dedicated and loyal and honest and I always tried to make time for us to just hang out and see each other but he “never had time” and so I got tired of being put on the back burner like he even went two weeks of not talking to me so I was tired of it. So I dumped him. I was pretty heart broken too. I cried myself to sleep for days. Then I found out he cheated on me. So now I’m dating a new guy and I can’t even explain how happy I am like this guy when I first looked at him I was a goner like I’m head over heels for this guy and idk if I am crazy for falling for him so deeply so quickly but whatever that reason is I’m happy because I’m too young to be treated like shit. Plus he makes me feel like I’m important enough to be in a relationship with. This is my new guy and I legit love him! Am I crazy???